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Your donations at work!

Your support in 2018 allowed us to provide over $350,000 to programs providing education, healthcare and resettlement / refugee assistance to women and children in Afghanistan.

Humanitarian support in 2018 aided many worthwhile programs, among them education programs in Ghazni Province through Afghan Friends Network, healthcare in Darulaman Afshar District through Alliance for Medical Outreach and life saving aid to refugees through the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.


In 2018, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation supported the Khurasan Learning Center for Girls and the Women’s Literacy program in Ghazni. Results of the programs included:

- Providing education to approximately 400 girls at the KLC Learning Center, where girls in grades 7-12 receive supplementary education to complete their education in Math, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.

- Allowing 89 of the KLC students to prepare for and pass the Konkor exam with a pass rate of 94%. The Konkor exam is required to be able to receive a higher education and the national average is a 56% pass rate.

- 33 students will attend a 4-year public university, 29 will attend a private university and 20 will attend a 2-year college, such as

the Teacher Training Institute.

- Helping 45 women and girls achieve literacy through the women's literacy program. The program allows those girls and women who have aged out of the education system in Afghanistan to receive an education and also allows those families hesitant to send their girls to a school, to still receive an education. During the year, 26 adult women and 19 girls under the age of 18 participated in the literacy program.


In 2018, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation supported a female physician staffing Alliance for Medical Outreach & Relief's, COPE (Community Outreach and Patient Education) clinic, associated with Afshar Hospital, a 100-bed hospital located in the southwest region of Kabul, Afghanistan. Support included funding the physician’s salary and medications to be administered for one year as she visits local villages daily, providing pregnancy related information, pregnancy screening, vaccinations, newborn care and other medical services including the administration of medication as needed and available.


In 2018, largely based on Khaled Hosseini's donation of his author proceeds from the sale of Sea Prayer, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation provided funding to aid in the resettlement of returnees and direly needed aid for refugees primarily in or from Afghanistan.

Thank you for all of your support!

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