Your support in 2019 allowed us to provide over $136,000 to programs providing education and healthcare assistance to women and children in Afghanistan.
As of November 2020, your support for this year has provided over $187,000 in humanitarian aid to Afghanistan including aid to three new grantees; Afghan Connection, Afghanaid, and Save the Children.
Humanitarian support in 2019 aided many worthwhile programs, among them education programs in remote and underserved communities in Afghanistan through UNICEF's Let us Learn program and healthcare in Anabah through EMERGENCY.
In 2019, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation supported UNICEF's Let us Learn program in Afghanistan. Results of the program included:
- The program's use of Accelerated Learning Centers helped educate out of school children ages 9-15 in remote and underserved communities. Through this program communities saw increased enrollment for girls, improved learning outcomes, and greater family commitment to sending girls to school.
- 2,965 out of school children (including 2,173 girls) accessed education at 98 Accelerated Learning Centers.
- 113 teachers (50 of which were female) were trained and teaching materials were distributed to 113 targeted Accelerated Learning Centers.
In 2019, The Khaled Hosseini Foundation supported EMERGENCY'S Maternity Center in Anabah. During a six month period the following care was provided:
- 28,683 high quality and free of charge maternal treatments were provided to the women of Panjshir Valley.
- 2,500 high quality and free of charge neonatal treatments were provided to newborns.
- 113 local medical and non-medical staff were trained.
Thank you for all of your support!